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Second Business Breakfast

News from Facc Florida Business Breakfast.

Mr. John Simon

FACC-Florida was fortunate to have John Simon, author and former KONE Corporation communication executive as the guest speaker at its February 8 Business Breakfast. John has  served KONE for 35 years and, among others, written the book ”KONE’s Prince” about Pekka Herlin who raised  KONE to one of world’s leading elevator manufacturers.

John’s presentation on KONE’s success story was met with great interest and enthusiasm by the Breakfast attendees, some 30 altogether. As expected from a predominantly Finnish audience, many of the questions centered around the technological innovations that have made KONE a forerunner in its industry. The drive to find international markets early on and the  divestment on non-core businesses also were seen by John as important factors to KONE’s growth


Finland House volunteers again exceeded expectations as regards the quality of the breakfast served. We will come back on March 5 with new interesting presentations, this time on legal pitfalls in doing business in the U.S..Keijo Räikkönen and Kimmo Mettälä, both experienced and successful Finnish lawyers, will provide the food for thought then. You are most welcome to join us then!

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